{Used at daughter’s school mass in May of 2000}
Prayers of the Faithful
The response will be “Lord, hear our prayer.”
For Father Art, Bishop Mansell, John Paul our pope, and all the clergy and religious … we pray to the Lord.
For the leaders of our city, the nation, and the world, that they may serve the people with wisdom, and always work for peace … we pray to the Lord.
For our parents, Godparents, teachers, and everyone else that has invited us to join in the Communion of Saints … we pray to the Lord.
So that each of us may do the best in school, at home, and in everything we do, using the gifts God has given us … we pray to the Lord.
For our family and friends who are close to our hearts, but are far away, or closely watching from above, that God may bless them and keep them always … we pray to the Lord.
For the needy and suffering, that they may see God’s mercy by the works of his people … we pray to the Lord.
For all the other needs and wants that we ask God from the silence of our hearts … we pray to the Lord.
For the sick and suffering, those in nursing homes and hospitals … we pray to the Lord.